Get in Touch!
07553 621827
Louise Herbert
Insightful Beginnings
Hawkesyard Hall
Office 4
The Trinity Suite
Armitage Road
WS15 1PU
Scroll down to see the services I offer, or click on the links to go directly to the service you're interested in...
SEND review and support for your setting
Support with EHCP applications
Support with early identification of pupils with possible SEND
Support with pupils who have an existing medical or neurological condition
SEND review and support for your setting
Conducting a SEND review in your setting will help to identify areas of strength and areas for development, including processes, data, paperwork, identification of need and collaborative working, so that you can provide all children with appropriate support and achieve the best outcomes for all.
EYFS review
Conducting an EYFS review in your setting will help to assess what is already working well and identify areas for improvement in order to enhance provision, the environment and outcomes for the children, based on the most recent EYFS and inspection frameworks.
Preparation for OFSTED
I mentioned the ‘O’ word! There is no denying this process is extremely anxiety-provoking, but reports of more recent inspections have been that they have been very supportive. I can help reduce the anxiety that a looming OFSTED inspection brings by providing you with an insight into what they will be looking for in order for you to achieve your OFSTED potential as a setting. This service will include a deeper look at the Early Years Inspection Frameworks for Registered Early Years providers and childminders, possible questions that may be asked and address any concerns or worries you may have as a setting.
Support with EHCP applications
I have worked in many private EYFS settings over the years where there has been very little support offered to staff when applying for Education, Health and Care plans for individual children. Obtaining as much information as possible in to the initial request for assessment can hugely increase the chance of your Local Authority agreeing to assess.
Support with early identification of pupils with possible SEND
The 2014 SEND Code of Practice clearly states that the early identification of children with SEND should be a priority. Early identification ensures that support and interventions can be provided at the earliest opportunity. There is no doubt the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on children’s development and many children born during lockdowns are now in early years settings having had limited access to medical appointments and early support services that would have been offered were we not in the midst of a pandemic. If you are concerned about any individual children and think they may possible have SEND, I can help you with observations, monitoring, liaising with parents and signposting where necessary.
Support with pupils who have an existing medical or neurological condition
I have vast experience with children with a variety of SEND, including autism, Down syndrome, sensory regulation difficulties, physical disabilities, hearing and vision difficulties and social, emotional and mental health difficulties. Please contact me to find out how best to support these pupils in your setting.
SENCO support, including record-keeping
The job of a SENCO is never-ending and many SENCOs in Early Years’ settings are wearing multiple hats. I can offer you support with SEND record keeping, target setting for individual children, provision mapping and intervention planning. I can also provide advice for having difficult conversations with parents.
EYFS staff supervision
Staff supervision is statutory in the EYFS framework, but many settings find the logistics of ensuring all staff receive it difficult to manage. It is recognised that supporting the mental health and wellbeing of staff is crucial and all settings must provide continuous support, teamwork and improvement as well as confidential discussion of sensitive issues. I have vast experience and have received training in supervision and coaching as well as holding a current certificate as a Designating Safeguarding Lead and could provide your setting with this service.
Childminding can be very isolating work, so supervision is vital to share any concerns about your own mental wellbeing and any issues you may want to raise regarding particular children. I understand that time for childminders can be very tight as you have limited options for staff cover, so I will be offering virtual supervision sessions in the evenings with discounts offered for block bookings. Please contact me to arrange a mutually suitable time.
Staff training
I can offer training to your setting (or multiple settings to help spread the cost) for a variety of Early Years and SEND topics including:
I can offer training slots during evenings and at weekends to fit around your work schedules. Please let me know if you would like training on an area that I haven’t listed and I will do my best to facilitate this.
Curriculum support
Do you have a wonderful curriculum in your setting, but struggle to articulate how it is implemented? Do you want to put some new ideas into your curriculum or maybe even redesign it completely? I have a wealth of experience in designing and implementing Early Years curricula and would be delighted to support you in improving your EYFS curriculum. Please get in touch for a more in-depth conversation about how I can support you.
New childminder support
Starting your own childminding business can be hugely daunting, so I am here to help you with your curriculum, assessment, policies and procedures, SEND, OFSTED and working with parents, along with anything else you need to know. There is no such thing as a silly question!
Prices (Updated January 2024)
07553 621827
Louise Herbert
Insightful Beginnings
Hawkesyard Hall
Office 4
The Trinity Suite
Armitage Road
WS15 1PU